In the 'News' section of Çağrı Logistics, you can find the latest developments, innovations, and sectoral achievements of our company. Here, we share current information about trends in the logistics world, our sustainability efforts, and projects that enhance the values we offer to our customers. We aim to provide valuable insights and inspiring stories for our business partners, customers, and industry professionals
As of 2023, the necessary procedures have been initiated to obtain Authorized Economic Operator Status (AEO).
It purchased 28 KRONE tilt trailers in order to create a strong presence in the field of international logistics.
Çağrı Logistics, one of the leading companies in the logistics industry, invested in 20 new Mercedes 1848 model vehicles of its fleet expansion and modernization efforts.
Adopting an environmentally friendly transportation approach, Çağrı Logistics took an important step in reducing its carbon footprint..